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eBook (Epub 2)
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Elections & Deceptions

Peruvian democracy under construction
Editorial: Planeta
Temática: Actualidad
Colección: Bicentenario
País de publicación: Perú

Sinopsis de Elections & Deceptions:

The election of Fernando Belaunde as president of the republic in 1980 marked Peru’s return to democracy after twelve years of military government. Since then, the country has had nine general elections and no military coups. Even so, there have been a number of episodes that have posed a serious risk to Peruvian democracy.

In April 2021, Peruvians will face what is perhaps the most critical election of the last four decades. With the dual crises of public health and the economy unleashed by the Coronavirus pandemic, made even more acute by a third, political crisis forged within the country’s own institutions, Peru now finds itself in an exceptionally precarious position as it celebrates the bicentennial anniversary of its existence as a republic.

In Elections and deceptions: Peruvian democracy under construction, Alfredo Torres offers an overview of the last forty years of elections in Peru, along with a meticulous analysis of that other major actor in the political process: the electorate. Who are we as Peruvian voters and what are we like? Why do we vote? Do we do so with a sense of civic duty? What attracts us in a candidate? What kinds of ideas and prejudices influence our votes? These are just some of the questions that Torres poses in this book, making it an indispensable guide for those seeking to understand Peru’s recent political history, while also offering a look at what the future may hold.

eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de Elections & Deceptions

Alfredo Torres© Foto: José Rojas

Alfredo Torres Guzmán 

(Lima, 1958)

Licenciado en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad del Pacífico y máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos con especialización en Ciencias Políticas por Stanford University.

Se dedica al estudio de la opinión pública desde 1984. Fundó Apoyo Opinión y Mercado, que se convirtió en la empresa líder en su campo en el Perú, la cual pasó a formar parte del Grupo Ipsos en el 2007. Desde entonces, es presiden...

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Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 14/03/2021 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-612-319-634-9 | Código: 10277547 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Colección: Bicentenario | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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